Friday, July 30, 2010

"What Swells in Wells, Stays in Wells"

My job takes me to some interesting places.

Most people travel to big cities like New York or Los Angeles. I travel to Wells, Nevada and Rock Springs, Wyoming.

Honestly, it doesn't bother me much. I get to see things that you don't see in a huge city. Things like these:
Yep, brothels are still legal in some places in the states. Here's the sign for another one: 

I still can't believe it. The next message to come up was "What swells in Wells, stays in Wells!" There were some others, but I can't remember them. It's probably a blessing.

I took all of these pictures in Wells, Nevada. Look it up on Google earth. This picture below is my favorite. I took it in a casino/gas station in Wells. The artist of this painting is asking $225. Let me know if you want me to pick it up for you.

It's titled "Freedom Isn't Free".

I almost had a stroke when I discovered all of this. Spencer suggested a live blog next time I travel.
Hmmm...not a bad idea.

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